25 in 5 CampaignÂ
In 2008, most Ontario organizations concerned about poverty are making recommendations to the provimce's Cabinet Committee on Poverty Reduction, chaired by Deb Matthews. The Coalition has done our own submissions and meetings related to this, but we have also endorsed and participate in the 25 In 5 Campaign, which is asking for a plan to reduce Ontario poverty levels by 25% in 5 years and by 50% before 2018.  Â
Cuts Hurt Kids:Â Restore the Back to School and Winter Clothing Allowance
In July 2008 the Ontario government implemented their new Ontario Child Benefit, and reduced the amount of basic needs given to families with children. At the same time they also stopped giving the Back to School and Winter Clothing Allowances. Many social policy and anti-poverty groups as well as municiplities and Boards of Health, have protested to the government that this is creating a great hardship for families who cannot meet their basic monthly costs, let alone save for these extra needs. For more informaiton see:
Disability Should Nor be a Poverty Life Sentence Campaign
A group of ODSP recipients and staff from Houselink Community Homes have started a campaign to raise ODSP rates, called "Poverty Should Not be a Life Sentence". Their demand is to raise the rates by 20%, which would bring an individual on ODSP up to the same level as a senior living on Old Age Security/Guaranteed Income Supplement. They also say the rates must be indexed to inflation. People or groups can endorse this campaign by completing a form or letter. It just takes a few minutes. For more information go to :
www.houselink.on.ca/links scroll down to the bottom and click on "Campaign to raise ODSP Rates".