TERMS OF REFERENCE (Revised May, 2007) MANDATE:The Ontario ODSP Action Coalition’s mission is to advocate for improvements to the income support and employment supports provided to the Ontario Disability Support Program applicants and recipients. We seek to promote the human rights of these individuals by bringing attention to the government’s duty to accommodate people with disabilities in all aspects of the program. Our goals are:To promote a raise in the monthly income of recipients to a level that reflects the real cost of living, including all the basic necessities of life and shelter costsTo seek to reduce the barriers to accessing ODSP, including the barriers to getting on ODSP income support and maintaining benefitsTo improve ODSP client service so that it demonstrates dignity and respect to ODSP applicants and recipients To improve the daily living situation of ODSP recipients through public education and other forms of communicationTo increase the allowable earnings level and to improve employment supportsThe activities of the Coalition include:Meetings, letters and submissions to the different levels of governmentConsultation with representatives of the Ministry of Community and Social Services on issues which we and the Ministry have identified as priorities Writing and disseminating materials on ODSP policies, benefits and emerging issuesUsing the media and other tools to raise public awareness on ODSP rules, policy issues and client service Seeking input on the Coalition’s work from ODSP applicants, recipients and others through the web site, consultation and participation in meetingsEncouraging and supporting the development of local ODSP coalitions and recipient support groupsImplementing advocacy strategies to bring about changePartnering with other organizations in relevant advocacy initiativesSecuring funding to strengthen the impact of the CoalitionGUIDING PRINCIPLES:Every Ontario resident with a disability needs to be able to meet his/her basic needs and be treated with dignity and respect.The work of the Coalition is grounded in the experience of ODSP applicants, recipients and community-based service providers. All are part of the Coalition membership; a larger number will be consulted on an ongoing basis.The Coalition supports a safe and respectful environment for discussion and decision-making.The Coalition will attempt to have activities, meetings and events that are accessible to people with disabilities and low incomes where funding and resources allow.Members agree to observe confidentiality on many levels in carrying out the work of the Coalition.The Coalition will work in partnership with groups that have common goals.As its name suggests, the ODSP Action Coalition believes in action to bring about change.MEMBERSHIP:Membership in the provincial ODSP Action Coalition consists of both individuals and organizations. Individuals may be applying to, receiving or otherwise interested in ODSP. Agencies or organizations work with people who need ODSP or are otherwise interested in ODSP. To become a member, the individual or organization must:Accept the mandate and goals of the CoalitionBe committed to working on these issues on a provincial level in addition to advocacy, education and other activities they may do on a community or individual levelSTRUCTURE:OFFICES:1. Chairperson:*Elected by the membership by a simple majority*Two year term of office that is renewable*Responsible for ensuring the effective functioning of the Coalition:
- Prepares meeting agendas and attachments, in consultation with the Steering Committee
- Maintains rules of order at Coalition meetings
- Helps keep the group discussion focused
- Encourages all members to participate in discussions
- Summarizes decisions
- Serves as a spokesperson for the group or designates alternatives
2. Secretary: *Elected by the membership by a simple majority*Two year term of office*Responsible for assisting with internal Coalition record keeping and communication:• Ensures a recorder is identified for each meeting • Receives the draft minutes from the recorder and submits them to the Chairperson for editing • Ensures that minutes and other related material are distributed • Maintains the Coalition data base• Communicates with members between meetings, as needed• Supports the Chairperson in responding to queries from potential members In the event that a Secretary is not available, the tasks will be shared among designated Coalition members, either from within the Steering Committee or the broader Coalition. COMMITTEES / GROUPS:Steering Committee:The Steering Committee includes the Coalition Chairperson, the Secretary, the Chairpersons of the committees and working groups or their designates, at least two ODSP recipients, an accessibility advocate, and external resource people, as needed.The Steering Committee:
- Sets meeting agendas
- Coordinates the strategies of the committees and working groups
- Recommends the establishment of new committees, as needed
- Organizes Coalition planning sessions
- Identifies and implements a membership campaign
- Identifies funding sources
- Promotes access and accessibility of all Coalition activities
2. Web Site Committee: Membership in the Web Site Committee is drawn from the Coalition. The members elect a Chairperson through consensus.Tasks: Develops and maintains the Coalition web site 3. Working groups:
- Earnings/Employment Supports Working Group
- Access Committee
- Train the Trainer Workshop committee
- Election and Media Committee
The working groups are established, changed or continued each year at our annual Strategy Planning day. Each selects a Chairperson through consensus. DECISION-MAKING PROCESS:
- The priorities, key recommendations and actions need to be decided by the membership.
- Committees and working groups make decisions on their own areas of work, in keeping with the mandate of the Coaltion and the priorities decided at each year's planning session.
- Committees and working groups bring their recommendations to general meetings of the ODSP Action Coalition.
- Recommendations are fully discussed at the general meetings. There will have to be a decision reached by the ODSP Action Coalition members present to move forward on a recommendation.
- Decisions are minuted.
- If an agency/individual member cannot support a recommendation that is a policy or advocacy item, he/she has the opportunity to abstain or to have his/her lack of agreement recorded.
MEETING FREQUENCY:Coalition meetings - every two months or more frequently, at the call of the ChairSteering Committee - every two months or electronically, as neededWorking groups- every two months or more frequently, as neededPlanning forums - at least once a yearFUNDING:The Ontario ODSP Action Coalition will seek funding to facilitate the participation of ODSP recipients, to implement special projects, to maintain the web site and to move forward the work of the Coalition.